Help break the silence associated with suicide
The primary of the mission of the Madison Holleran Foundation is to prevent suicides and to assist those in a crisis situation with phone numbers and resources that will assist them during their time in crisis. We will also focus our efforts on preparing high school seniors and college freshman, since this can be a very difficult transition period, as it was for Madison and many college freshman.
Madison’s Story
Madison Holleran was the third child in a family of 5 born and raised in Northern New Jersey. As the middle child, she was quiet, shy and tended to keep to herself. However, she broke out of her shell at a young age once she started to play and compete in sports. Soccer, a real passion for Madison, introduced her to many teammates who eventually became some of her best friends…
Latest news
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! We’re going to make Monday’s a little better for everyone. Come join us on Monday nights so we can discuss mental health, wellness and all things Maddy this is a FREE virtual event. The link will be posted on our Facebook page (HERE) the night of the event: Monday March 8 at 830 EST. Don’t worry if you miss it, we plan on doing this on 2 Monday’s every month!
Monday's with Maddy
Monday's with Maddy
We’re going to make Monday’s a little better for everyone. Come join us on Monday nights so we can discuss mental health, wellness and all things Maddy. This is a FREE virtual event. We plan on doing this on 2 Monday’s every month!
Book Now Available
Available Now
The heartbreaking story of college athlete Madison Holleran, whose life and death by suicide reveal the struggle of young people suffering from mental illness today in this #1 New York Times Sports and Fitness bestseller.
Stories told by you
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“I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there, and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”
Matthew 17:20
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